Wedding Song Recommendations: Cake Cutting

"How do I choose a song for our father daughter dance?"
"What if we don't have a "song", how do we choose our first dance track?"
"We want to be different so what do you suggest for our grand entrance song?"

These are all great questions and ones that we hear all the time. So, we decided to start posting our best recommendations and creative song selections from our clients to help all our brides and grooms to be!

Today is about all things sweet and sugary! Cutting the cake has always been accompanied by a romantic song and camera flashes. Since these days we often find couples have used cupcakes instead of cake, or a "sweets table" in addition to cake, we thought, why not mix up the music too? And this song is a radio favorite and I'm sure many of you are familiar with it. It's upbeat, fun, and danceable too!

Song: The Sweet Escape
Artist: Gwen Stefani
Album: The Sweet Escape